Learn How to Generate Over Six-Figures from One Public Speaking Appearance While Captivating an Audience for a Lifetime

Andres Ospina Speaking

Learn How to Generate Over Six-Figures from One Public Speaking Appearance While Captivating an Audience for a Lifetime

I Am Andres Ospina

International Public Speaker
Event and Conference Specialist
Marketing Agency Executive  (PitchDecks.com)
Adventure Traveler

The first time I spoke on stage in front of more than 100 people at an actual venue (as opposed to someone's living room or small banquet hall) I somehow ended up behind the projector screen with a giggling audience staring right at me. 

They were giggling because they were holding in their laughter out of respect and kindness. 

I could hear it, and I could see many looking down at the floor in order to not show their contained laughter, or simply covering their mouths. 

I will never forget it. 

I was embarrassed and shaking. 

I had done the same presentation over 200 times before to small groups of 5-15 people, so I was also surprised as to why I had bombed so horrifically. 

Worst of all, the audience was my peers and competition, vying for the same sales territory as me and I just hurt my credibility with the executive team badly. 

"I thought Andres was the rising star. What happened?", said Michael the CEO of the Health and Wellness company I was working for at the time. 

I didn't let it stop me though, I went looking for answers. And it was the greatest learning experience of my public speaking career. 

Fast forward 12 years, 32 countries, 500+ stages, 3 national speaking tours, and over 7,000 hours of public speaking time I'm here to help you make your gift, expertise, skillset, and product into a captivating show or speech that both educates and entertains your target audience. 

Captivate, Inspire, Educate, Teach, and Enlighten. 

What are your public speaking and event hosting goals?

I Am Andres Ospina

International Public Speaker
Event and Conference Specialist
Marketing Agency Executive (
Adventure Traveler

The first time I spoke on stage in front of more than 100 people at an actual venue (as opposed to someone's living room or small banquet hall) I somehow ended up behind the projector screen with a giggling audience staring right at me. 

They were giggling because they were holding in their laughter out of respect and kindness. 

I could hear it, and I could see many looking down at the floor in order to not show their contained laughter, or simply covering their mouths. 

I will never forget it. 

I was embarrassed and shaking. 

I had done the same presentation over 200 times before to small groups of 5-15 people, so I was also surprised as to why I had bombed so horrifically. 

Worst of all, the audience was my peers and competition, vying for the same sales territory as me and I just hurt my credibility with the executive team badly. 

"I thought Andres was the rising star. What happened?", said Michael the CEO of the Health and Wellness company I was working for at the time. 

I didn't let it stop me though, I went looking for answers. And it was the greatest learning experience of my public speaking career. 

Fast forward 12 years, 32 countries, 500+ stages, 3 national speaking tours, and over 7,000 hours of public speaking time I'm here to help you make your gift, expertise, skillset, and product into a captivating show or speech that both educates and entertains your target audience. 

Captivate, Inspire, Educate, Teach, and Enlighten. 

What are your public speaking and event hosting goals?


Don't Just Educate from the Stage: Captivate, Inspire, and Entertain Too

How Can I Serve You?

I have over 12 years of experience speaking on over 500-plus stages. I know how to deliver you RESULTS.

Online or In-Person Consulting Services

Public Speaking Coaching

1. Develop Your Stage ID (Aka: Earn the Right):

Every speaker must first know his own story well, how to tell it, and why he deserves the attention of the audience. The audience is a collective consciousness, united energy and you must first earn their trust before moving on to the juice of your presentation. 

Authentic Self Expression that is Viral Content Worthy

2. Erase stage freight, nerves, and hesitation: 

We all know confidence is key. But where do we find our confidence? Through practice and preparation. From pre-stage exercises to understand how to use our voice and bodies in a persuasive way.

Light up the room in order to empower others to do the same

3. Keep the audiences attention:

There is probably nothing worse than being on stage and watching people whisper to each other and scroll through social media on their phones. And theirs nothing more special than really feeling the energy of the audience reciprocated back to you and being fully attentive. 

Keep them at the edge of their seats, listening, and taking notes.

4. Sell from the stage:

Speaking on stage can be the most rewarding profession. But it's definitely not rewarding when most of the seats are empty, and when at the end of the event you aren't turning a profit after travel expenses, hotels, venue costs, sponsorships, and more. 

You deserve to be immediately profitable after every speaking opportunity. 

Public Speaking Coaching
Andres Ospina speaking with Grant Cardone at a Family Office Club event.
Andres Ospina at four separate events.

Online Consulting Services

1. Develop Your Stage ID (Aka: Earn the Right):

Every speaker must first know his own story well, how to tell it, and why he deserves the attention of the audience. The audience is a collective consciousness, united energy and you must first earn their trust before moving on to the juice of your presentation. 

Authentic Self Expression that is Viral Content Worthy

2. Erase stage freight, nerves, and hesitation: 

We all know confidence is key. But where do we find our confidence? Through practice and preparation. From pre-stage exercises to understand how to use our voice and bodies in a persuasive way.

Light up the room in order to empower others to do the same

3. Keep the audiences attention:

There is probably nothing worse than being on stage and watching people whisper to each other and scroll through social media on their phones. And theirs nothing more special than really feeling the energy of the audience reciprocated back to you and being fully attentive. 

Keep them at the edge of their seats, listening, and taking notes.

4. Sell from the stage:

Speaking on stage can be the most rewarding profession. But it's definitely not rewarding when most of the seats are empty, and when at the end of the event you aren't turning a profit after travel expenses, hotels, venue costs, sponsorships, and more. 

You deserve to be immediately profitable after every speaking opportunity. 

Public Speaking Coaching




Events Hosted


Hours of Experience



Don’t Take My Word

“He really drilled into my marketing where I needed to go and what I needed to do to really get my word out there and get me to the next level. Did a great job! Definitely go work with Andres."

- Happy Client From Business Consulting Session

Don’t Take My Word

“He really drilled into my marketing where I needed to go and what I needed to do to really get my word out there and get me to the next level. Did a great job! Definitely go work with Andres."

- Happy Client From Business Consulting Session

I Have Years Of Experience 

“I have had the privilege of working with Andres in the past, and together we have done a couple one hundred thousand dollars in sales, and he is really great when it comes to doing that.”

- Dennis Cummins,  Author of Turning Terrible Into Terrific

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